Join us Monday the 10th for the Neighborhood Association Meeting, we’ll be hearing from Ben Carr of Geurilla Development about the Rocket Empire Machine Project on NE Glisan. Hope to see you then!
General Meeting:
6:30 - Introductions
6:40 - Ben Carr from Guerilla Development presents the Rocket Empire Machine project updates for 6935 NE Glisan
7:00 - Membership Q & A
7:15 - Paint The Town Green recap
7:30 - General Meeting Concludes
Board Meeting:
7:35 Board Meeting Starts
Approve Agenda
Approve May Minutes
7:50 Finances
8:00 Vote on letter in support of Guerrila Development's project on 6935 NE Glisan
8:10 Vote to send David Onley as the MNA delegate to the SEUL Board
8:15 Discussion & vote on adding the Membership Eligibility Exception Policy to the MNA Bylaws
8:20 July Meeting Discussion
8:30 (or before) Adjourn