Montavilla Neighborhood Association
Board Agenda
November 9, 2020
I. Board meeting: zoom link on our website
II. Adoption of Agenda
III. Reading and Approval of the Minutes
IV. Report of Officers
A. President Louise Hoff
B. Vice President/Acting Secretary Alice King
C. Treasurer Peter Emerson
D. Land Use & Transportation Adam Wilson
1. Duncan Wallace/Jackson Plaza update: artist & overrides
2. Montavilla zoning improvements
E. Communication Matt Moore
F. SE Uplift Liaison Lindsey Johnson
G. Fundraiser Ron Thrasher
V. Unfinished Business
A. election results to be counted
1. Secretary - pending
2. Public Safety - pending
VI. New Business
A. Ron Thrasher and Brad Donahue no longer wish to be co-signers on MNA checks with Riverview Bank so we need two new co-signers
B. speakers for December general meeting
1. METBA update Pete Dills
VIII. Adjourn
Next general meeting on Monday, Dec. 14,2020 at 6:30
Next zoom board meeting on Monday Dec. 14 2020 at 7:30