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MSN Feb 10, 2020 Community Event

Montavilla Neighborhood Association Agenda February 10, 2020

6:00 doors open: sign-in & socialize & use suggestion boxes display: 82nd Avenue?

6:30 meeting called to order with MNA mission statement introductions (name, cross st. & what you like about Montavilla)

6:40 public announcements (4 min.)

Eastside Village - Peg Farrell

May MNA Fundraiser - Ron Thrasher committee announcements (10 min.)

Public Safety: Lieutenant Hays , East Precinct

7:00 program PBOT (Portland Bureau of Transportation) 82nd Avenue and Glisan to the 205 Steve Szigethy, Capital Project Manager

7:30 close meeting and please stay and talk with neighbors

7:40-8:30 board meeting (public welcome to listen)

We meet the 2nd Monday of each month(Next meeting Mar.9) Montavilla United Methodist Church, 232 SE 80th St. (off Stark) we welcome all Montavilla residents, business owners and property owners to attend and take part in improving our neighborhood

Montavilla Neighborhood Association Board Agenda February 10, 2020

I. 7:40 p.m. Call meeting to order

II. Adoption of Agenda III. Reading and Approval of the Minutes

IV. Report of Officers

A. President Louise Hoff

1. $10: flyers + 1/4 size flyers in shops & cafes

B. Vice President/Acting Secretary Alice King

C. Treasurer Peter Emerson - new check signers

V. Report of Committees

A. Fundraiser Ron Thrasher

B. Communication Matt Moore

C. Southeast Uplift Liaison Lindsay

VI. Unfinished Business

A. Vacancies and Candidates

1. Secretary

2. Land Use & Transportation

3. Public Safety

B. MNA gmail deletions

VII.New Business

A. Website updates

B. March

1. announcements

a) scooters

b) homeless coalition proposed ballot measure

2. speakers March?


d) Montavilla Main Street Historic Resources Report

e) Michael Sonnleitner’s new book on Gandhi, civic participation

3. April

a) Backyard habitat?

b) bees-Alice

c) soil & mushrooms - Matt

VIII. 8:30 Adjourn - Next meeting March 9, 2020