I. Meeting called to order
II. Adoption of agenda
III. Reading and/or approval of the minutes
IV. Report of Board Directors and Officers
A. President Louise Hoff
B. Vice President Alice King
C. Treasurer Peter Emerson
D. Secretary Jacob Loeb
E. Land Use & Transportation - Adam Wilson
F. Communication- Matt Moore
G. Public Safety - Taylor Wells
H. SEUL Liaison - Lindsey Johnson
I. Fundraisers - Ron Thrasher
V. Unfinished Business
A. Portlandcleanair.org letters
VI. New Business
A. TriMet Adopt-A-Stop Program
B. The Mesothelioma Center on our resources page
C. Mingus Mapps speaking Invitation
D. SEUL Letter
E. Rodent Control Speaker and information
VII. Adjourn