This is a time sensitive PBOT request for a letter of support the Halsey project. The public is welcome to attend online via zoom. Please email to receive the link or provide comment.
To Commissioner Hardesty and Director Warner:
I am writing on behalf of the Montavilla Neighborhood Association (MNA) in support of the Portland Bureau of Transportation’s (PBOT) NE Halsey Safety & Access to Transit project. MNA was very involved in the development of the 2016 Growing Transit Communities Plan, and most of the elements of this project came directly out of that plan.
The 82nd Avenue MAX Station is a critical transportation hub for the Montavilla neighborhood, and the NE Halsey project will go a long way toward improving bike and pedestrian access. The project will also improve safety at two critical intersections in the Montavilla neighborhood. At NE Halsey and 68th Street, the intersection currently functions as an offramp from I-84, with a dangerous free right onto Halsey. The project will reconfigure the intersection by teeing up the intersection at Halsey, and adding a stop sign and a marked crossing. The intersection at NE Halsey and 81st is another dangerous intersection. The project will be adding a mini-roundabout and marked crossings here to slow traffic and improve safety.
The MNA would be very disappointed to see critical elements of this project cut due to a funding shortfall. Please provide the funding necessary to build the entire project and keep our streets safe for everyone.