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January MNA Board Meeting

I. Meeting called to order

II. Adoption of agenda

III. Reading and/or approval of the minutes

IV. Report of Board Directors and Officers
A. Chair - Kat Moss
B. Vice Chair - Laura Milligan
C. Treasurer - Sarah Hartzel
D. Secretary - Spencer Knowles
E. Land Use & Transportation - Scott Simpson
F. Communication - Spencer Knowles
G. Public Safety -
H. SEUL Liaison - Sarah Hartzel
I. Parks - Louise Hoff

V. Unfinished Business

VI. New Business
A. Ratification of Nov Election Minutes
B. Update on GNA Committee Formation
C. In-Person Meeting Location Discussion

VII. Announcements
Call for for people to state interest in MNA membership (Needed for voting with no other obligations)

Meeting info: Time: Jan 8, 2024 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 810 5496 6028

Passcode: 019950

Later Event: February 12
February Board Meeting