Have something to share? Let's start a conversation.
Have something to share? Let's start a conversation.
In an effort to assure that everyone is heard and there is no extraneous outside noise. We will start the Zoom meeting with all participants muted. We respectfully ask that you help us keep the meeting productive and cordial by following a few of the following Zoom guidelines.
1. If you would like to speak please press the raise hand button located at the bottom of the screen.
2. In an effort to make sure speakers can be heard clearly, please keep you microphone muted unless you are speaking to prevent background noise.
3. If you would like to ask a question in chat rather than on microphone, we will be monitoring the chat regularly. You can find the chat icon at the bottom Zoom tool bar.
We appreciate your participation and are excited to learn more about the candidates and hear from our Montavilla neighbors.
Thank you.